Of these molecules, 24 of them are inflammatory cytokines and three of them are growth factors. One thing that is a fact, is that inflammation stops bone formation and PRP is full of inflammatory molecules which will prevent bone from forming.
The three growth factors are:
bFGF: Basic fibroblast growth factor stimulates fibroblasts to grow into the clot and convert the clot into granulation tissue.
VEGF: Vascular endothelial growth factor stimulates blood vessel formation to vascularize the clot and convert it into granulation tissue.
PDGF: Platelet derived growth factor blocks stem cells from becoming bone cells and aids in the formation of fibroblasts.
All the molecules in platelet concentrated preparations are designed to quickly convert the clot into granulation tissue. Bone cells will not produce bone in the presence of inflammation. Bone cells do not enter into a clot or PRF. There are no growth factors in platelet concentrations that stimulates bone formation. The studies have shown that PRF does not aid bone growth and performs no better than no graft.
The next question to ask yourself is: if all the molecules in platelet preparations inhibit bone formation, then why have all the studies shown that PRF does not aid in bone, but why does PRF not clinically produce poorer results than no graft. For this answer, we need to look at how bone heals histologically.