Sinus Graft


Minimally Invasive Sinus Augmentation with Sinus Membrane Removal

Sinus Graft

Sinus Graft is mixed chairside and should be stored in the refrigerator until use.

This product contains no human or animal tissue.

The Steiner Sinus Lift: Hydraulically Lift the Sinus Membrane via a 3mm Buccal Osteotomy

Sinus lift surgery has become more common as patients choose implants for tooth replacement. The unique characteristics of Sinus Graft has allowed for refinement of this surgical modality to a degree that allows practitioners to provide a previously unattainable level of care for their patients.

In adults, the size of the maxillary sinus often needs to be reduced to permit tooth replacement with dental implants. However, the cost, morbidity, and surgical complexity associated with maxillary bone augmentation has limited the use of this procedure. The Steiner Sinus Lift addresses each of these issues with the intention of making maxillary bone augmentation in the floor of the sinus a simple, non-traumatic procedure within the skill level of all dental practitioners.
For further information on the Steiner Sinus Lift, please review our article titled “Minimally Invasive Sinus Augmentation” published in the Journal of Oral Implantology.

Minimally Invasive Sinus Augmentation with Sinus Membrane Removal

It is known that the sinus membrane does not contribute to bone production during sinus augmentation procedures. However, it is assumed that the membrane is required to contain the sinus graft material for successful sinus augmentation procedures. Like so many assumptions about bone, this is another false assumption. The sinus membrane is not needed for predictable successful sinus augmentation with same day implant placement.

The simplicity of this methodology reduces the level of skill required to perform predictable sinus augmentation, shortens the time required to perform the surgery, and significantly reduces post-op morbidity. The time between grafting and implant placement and restoration is dependent on the amount of residual crestal bone, but in most cases the implants can be restored in 3 months.

Strengthen Your Practice

Sinus Graft will change your practice when your patients realize our technology is available to them. Your patients now have a choice between a chemically pure, FDA cleared bone graft or the frequently off-putting choice of cadaver tissue. Resorbable synthetics and autografts are the only bone grafts that produce normal bone. Normal bone is the only type of bone that has been shown to support an implant for a lifetime.

Sinus Graft Bonds to the Sinus Bone and the Implant Surface
As osteoblasts migrate through the graft, they reach an implant surface and produce implant integration. In this manner implants can be placed at the same time as grafting with the confidence that complete implant integration will occur. The tissue engineering of bone requires the biologic stimulation of host cells. Due to the short half life of growth factors when placed in the graft site and the inability of a single growth factor to orchestrate the complex temporal and spatial molecular reactions needed to produce tissue, the use of single growth factors for the biologic stimulation of host cells produces only limited bone growth. For these reasons, Sinus Graft does not use growth factors, but instead contains SL Factor, which stimulates the cell to increase the production of growth factors and other signaling molecules

How Does SL Factor Work?

SteinerBio has the only bone grafts on the market that contain a drug that changes the physiology of a bone’s osteoblasts to stimulate osteogenesis. SL Factor, our patented organic compound, enters through the membrane of the osteoblasts and results in the following metabolic activities:

  • SL Factor is absorbed by the osteoblasts
  • SL Factor activates over 300 genes that stimulate the process of bone formation
  • BMP2 and RUNX2 production increases two-fold and reduces osteoclast formation by inhibiting the production of RANK ligand
  • Osteocalcin accumulation is enhanced in the extracellular matrix resulting in excellent mineralization
  • While stored in the osteoblast, SL Factor continues to stimulate bone growth after the synthetic matrix has been resorbed
  • Adipogenesis, osteoclastogenesis, and ODF/RANK ligand expression is inhibited
  • Inflammation is reduced by inhibiting prostaglandin synthesis


American Society for Bone and Mineral Research (ASBMR)

Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine International Society (TERMIS)

American Academy of Implant Dentistry (AAID)