For pain control in dentistry, we deal with pain from periodontal therapy, endodontic therapy, and implant therapy. These surgeries deal with different tissues and these tissues are likely to respond differently to different pain medications. However, orthopedic surgeons and dental implantologists both work primarily with bone, and we can benefit from sharing information on the types of pain meds that best benefit our patients after skeletal surgery. One pain medication that is popular with orthopedic surgeons but is seldom used by implantologists is diclofenac. First synthesized in 1973, diclofenac is the most prescribed NSAID worldwide. The brand name of this medication is Voltarin, and is commonly used as a topical pain medication that is applied as a cream. Diclofenac is considered a type of NSAID and carries with it all of the potential side effects of the NSAIDs. In the following chart, diclofenac is listed to inhibit bone resorption.